Tuesday, July 14, 2015


 Krieg um Wasser, Krieg um Energie mit Geoengineering SRM!
War on water, war on energy with Geoengineering SRM!
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  1. Concerning the "1960 CIA memorandum": The important part seems to be the third point. Maybe u can use it or highlite it a little more in ur blog for quicker understanding:
    "3. Civil and Military Implications

    The impace of the successful achievement of methods for the control of climate upon all types of human activities confounds the imagination. Slight amelioration of adverse precipitation or temperature regimes could result in the reclamation of vast territories for agricultural and many other types of human activities. Desert areas which cover a large fraction of the earth's surface are known in many cases to require only slight changes in moisture regimes to make them suitable for large scale agricultural production. Small changes in circulation regimes could bring about the moderation of severe temperature climates to yield additional areas suitable for human habitation. Such changes in circulation regimes can also affect the normal paths of destructive storms like hurricanes, such that their destructive energies could be dissipated in regions far removed from major human activities. Changes in atmospheric circulation regimes would have marked effects upon oceanic circulations with consequent changes in the abundance and location of fertile fishing grounds. Moderate changes in climatic characteristics will have serious repercussions for all aspects of industrial activity.

    Military, a climatic control capability raises the possibility of a totally new type of warfare. This type of warfare may be termed "Geophysical Warfare" in which our ability to control the weather environment can be used as a weapon. This geophysical weapon will be unique in character in that it can be used in both hot and cold struggles. It can be used to affect an enemy adversely or benefit a friend. As a function of the nature of the control capability, the use of such a weapon could be a determining factor in the success of national military operations.

    As a hot war weapon it would be best to have strong control capability for specific areas and specific periods of time. Since we are talking about intermediate and long period climate control, this would imply a conflict of considerable duration. Specific military consequences of such a control capability would be in the potential for destruction of an enemy's food production capability thereby weakening his total military power, and also in the derangements of transportation systems and other industrial activities which might result from a marked change in climatic conditions.

    As a cold war tool, the capability of climate control would place in the of this Government a tool for ameliorating the weather conditions in friendly and uncommitted nations as a means of strengthening bonds with this country. Conversely as a cold war weapon, a climate control capability provides for a unique surreptitious means for weakening a potential enemy so that he does not have the capability to wage a hot war.

    The general study of the feasibility of climate control independent of the use of this capability in either hot or cold conflicts provides necessary national insurance if other nations achieve a control capability. Such a capability in either friendly or unfriendly hands represents a threat of weather conditions which might adversely affect the welfare of our nation. As an absolutely necessary countermeasure, this country must have within its scientific arsenal, the knowledge of how to combat any such attempts at control by other nations. Failure to undertake a consistent program at this time which might provide the knowledge necessary to combat such climate control operations on the part of other nations could lead to another "Sputnik" situation."

    1. Thank You for reading and feedback. From time to time I improve some articles. I will thing about Your proposition. :-)
