Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Blaming WILDFIRES on the HOAX!

The geoengineering SRM gangsters are putting aerosol dust into the TROPOSPHERE to regulate, transport and trade the tropospheric - not stratospheric - water!


By intentionally polluting the troposphere from 6km up to 12km, they make this naturally isolating layer immensely conductive for cosmic and nebular energy transfer onto the surface, what is commonly known as lightning.

To cover the collateral damage the presstitutes, maulhuren & sciencewhores are diligently writing about climatechange and globalwarming causing more wildfires and longer wild fire season. They can blame everything on the hoax, as long as the people stay dumb!

The opposite of the the lie is alway the TRUTh! (yet in German only)
This lie is too silly to believe at! It is an insult on human intelligence!

They may even setup fires just to visualize the air stream flow!

So read, think and understand the propaganda from the opposite, because it consists only of lies. This is the best method reaching the target every time.

Now You may read their propaganda by putting the notions geoengineering, SRM, aerosols into the context to learn the truth!

Across The Globe, Wildfire Season Is Lasting Longer

Global wildfire switch now set to ‘on’ for longer

Wildfire seasons have gotten almost 20 percent longer

Wildfire risks are rising due to climate change — which may be worsening climate change

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