Saturday, November 22, 2014

31487 scientists say NO!

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31487 scientists say NO! Desperate fight for survival of science!
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31487 scientists say NO!

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31487 scientists say NO! Desperate fight for survival of science!

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31487 scientists say NO!

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31487 scientists say NO! Desperate fight for survival of science!
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31487 scientists say NO!

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31487 scientists say NO! Desperate fight for survival of science!
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31487 scientists say NO

Be proud to be listed in the black list of the Gestapo! Following is a database created by the zealots of the Climatology Church!

"Global Warming Disinformation Database"

4 Professors Explain the Science of Climate Change 

 Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria

VIDEO: Interview with Professor Richard Lindzen (some background info about climate scam)

VIDEO: Richard Lindzen ICCC4 (Explaining the manipulation methods of climate alarmists)

VIDEO: RLindzen, Nicholas Lewis, Donna Laframboise: UK Parliament HoC Energy and Climate Change Committee

Dr. Sebastian Lüning: Die „versteckten"Treiber des Klimawandels finden und verstehen

Dr Don Easterbrook Exposes Climate Change Hoax

Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto Weiss: Grund zur Panik? Klimazyklen der letzten 250 Jahre CO2 spielt beim Klima keine Rolle!

Mr. Puls is referring about the data distortions by the "Alfred-Wegner-Institute"

Prof. Dr. H. Lüdecke: Präzises Klima-Timing über die letzten 2500 Jahre

Global Warming; 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm

Former NASA Scientists... Global Warming Hoax

Global Warming / Climate Change Hoax - Dr. Roy Spencer

Climate Scientists Jump Ship as CO2 Theory Collapses

IPCC Exposed by Donna Laframboise Part 1Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Testimony by Dr. Patrick Moore Feb. 25, 2014 or here or 
Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout - Dr Patrick Moore

Be careful about Dr. Moore he is also a MONSANTO lobbyist! Here his disgrace about Glyphosat! 

Monsanto Lackey Refuses Glyphosate Beverage

Professor Murry Salby on Carbon Dioxide HD Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5

Censorship? Climate sceptics culled from universities
Global Warming History  - Hoax

 Tim Ball - The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science
Tim Ball - The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science
Climate Scientist Dr Tim Ball on Scientific Ignorance
Dr Jennifer Marohasy - Climate Tricks Continue 9th ICCC

William Happer: The Myth of Carbon Pollution
William Happer "CO2: Friend or Foe?"

Pat Michaels: How Did We Get Into This Mess? Part1 Part2 Part3

The nearly closed Chemtrail-Blanket (Chemtrail-Ceiling), flat and trimmed.

A chemtrail sprayer with blue shining material.

Here the Chemtrail-Blanket complete with some HAARP-Radiation waves and a fresh chemtrail sprayer beneath the blanket. They don't spray the same material every time, the shape of the chemtrail varies accordingly.

The Chemtrail-Blanket with high HAARP-Radiation and fresh chemtrail sprayer.

The Cirrus clouds out of chemtrail spraying, and the Chemtrail-Blanket with HAARP-Waves.

Do You see the perfect trimmed Chemtrail-Blanket above the chemtrail sprayer?

The last Cummuli are dissolving into the Chemtrail-Blanket. The webbing structure of the fresh chemtrails is visible.

Look at the colours at the sky and look at Your old photographical pictures and compare please.

Some of the chemtrail clouds come to view in the evening.

Here is a not very old chemtrail.

This cloud is a remainder of an older Chemtrail-Blanket and according to the wave structure has been heated up by HAARP-Radiation.

Can You imagine, that this structures come naturally? Please look into old video and photo documents to compare, if You don't remember by memory.

We should be near a desert with powerfull wind or near a volcanic eruption to have such Cirrus clouds, but it is in central Germany.

Control Your physical feeling under such a Chemtrail-Blanket with intensive HAARP-Radiation, because it modifies the electromagnetic field in the atmosphere, the air pressure and the quality of sunlight reaching fauna and flora. You will suffer from lack of vitamin-D.

What are the consequences of lacking sunlight and low level of vitamin-D?

Did You hate the old blue sky and begged for a chemical curtain?  I am not blameable, I am fighting it here, because I enjoyed the blue sky and the clear sunlight since my first conscious perception. I am missing it now.

What an ugly Chemtrail-Blanket, what dangerous trimming by radio waves, what a chemical poison sprayed by airplanes.

Do the pilots know, that they are poisoning themselves, their friends, their family and us?

Shame on this overpayed flying idiots, who should be meteorological experts.

Day in and day out, the Chemtrail-Blanket and HAARP-Radiation.

Don't You feel run down under this Chemtrail-Blanket?

Does this structure look natural for You?

What a fabric? It is part of a conveyer belt build up from Cirrus-Chemtrail clouds.

Rainbow doesn't look like that. This is the spectral light of the chemical material.

One thing for sure! You don't need sunglasses under this Chemtrail-Blanket.